When it comes to quality and maximum precision, there is no way around Rychiger. We make sure that everything runs smoothly. From the very first moment - and for all the years to follow. No wonder many leading manufacturers around the world rely on us.

Our Industries

Getting your new product to the finishing line means overcoming all the obstacles involved in scaling up from lab samples to mass production. We are there for you as an expert partner throughout this process, ensuring not just success but, above all, cost efficiency.

We know your industry, your target markets and think in systems. With Rychiger as a partner, the solutions for your success with portion packaging are created.

Our Technology

precise &

Whether for Food & Beverage or LifeScience: our technologies can precisely package valuable content into portions - from prototype to mass production.

Primary Packaging


With us, you always play it safe when it comes to quality: As machine builders and system providers, we possess the greatest wealth of experience in the field of primary packaging and custom machine construction.

Secondary Packaging


From visually appealing and sales-promoting to neutral: we are well-versed in the construction of machines and systems for secondary packaging.

AD8I0563 LR-1001x1000
Tertiary Packaging


From transportation to storage: Tertiary packaging must be as robust as it is functional to ensure efficient delivery and secure storage.

AD8I0592 LR-1001x1000
General Automation

We make things happen – in more ways than one. We are also your innovative partner for automation, tailored to your needs and processes.

Rychiger FS-120 Detail 5-1001x1000