Customized solutions? We’ve got you covered! Manufacturers around the world trust our engineering expertise to produce coffee capsules using our equipment. What sets us apart: whether it’s a common system or a complete new development, pure coffee or flavored – we guarantee the highest packaging quality and precision. This is particularly evident in the production of flavored coffee varieties, where we add the aroma to each individual capsule.

Consistency in every cup

Consumers are happy because they can rely on the consistent taste of their favorite brand with every cup. Production managers are pleased because single dosing allows better control over production parameters, and switching between different flavors is literally a clean process.

From a technical standpoint, dosing aromas is just as challenging as dosing coffee powder. The differences lie in the details: aromas can be added in either powder or liquid form. While the average coffee amount per capsule is 5 to 7 grams, powdered aromas are dosed in significantly smaller amounts, ranging from 10 to 50 milligrams. Precise dosing is therefore essential for a consistent taste experience and economical coffee capsule production. Liquid aromas are dosed in amounts ranging from 50 to 150 milliliters, depending on the type. The individual flavoring of each capsule requires precisely the same dosing cycles and production speeds as the coffee filling process.


The technical challenge of dosing aromas

However, not all aromas are created equal. Whether added in smallest powdered amounts or as a liquid variant depends on many factors, including economic considerations. At Rychiger, we offer technical solutions that allow for the precise and reliable dosing of aromas in both forms. For solid aromas in granulate or powder form, we use different methods depending on the required dosing accuracy: spinning plates, augers, or volumetric powder dosers. It’s particularly important that all these technologies ensure granulate dosing without significant mechanical damage, thus preserving product quality. When dealing with compressible powder aromas, auger dosing is recommended. Regardless of the method, as experts in coffee and mechanical engineering, we support our customers in evaluating the optimal dosing hardware for their processes, ensuring the best quality with high cost-efficiency.


Tailored solutions for powdered and liquid aromas

Speaking of cost-efficiency: dosing liquids for flavoring also follows individual parameters. Aroma molecules are usually suspended in a carrier liquid, whose viscosity and density can vary greatly. Choosing the right dosing system requires expertise to provide coffee producers with maximum process stability, long-lasting dosing components, and short cleaning cycles. Piston pumps are one option for dosing aroma liquids in quantities of 50-150 microliters within 500 milliseconds. Another option is the use of peristaltic pumps.



FlavourDosing Reihe

Ensuring cost-efficiency in liquid aroma dosing

All of this shows that the technology employed is guided by questions about the aroma, the coffee-filling process, and, of course, other conditions that coffee manufacturers define for their individual brands. In any case, we have the right solution.

Perroud Beatriz 4-7046x4652

Beatriz Perroud

Senior Sales Manager Food & Beverage


Talk to Beatriz

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